This is a wide shot of the main center level of the fictional town we created for Tony Hawk's Project 8. After going on a reference trip to Madison Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Dells, we came up with a bizarre hybrid inspired by middle America. I prototyped the Capitol building, refined the geometry of the entire area after the design pass, then textured until completion. I also created all the periphery in the background. The things I am not responsible for in this scene is the Funpark in the far back left, and all of the vegetation, which was only placed by me.
A shot of one of four entrances into the Capitol building. The building itself became quite a challenge after going through a thorough design pass. It had to have many rounded transitions where corners should be in order for the player to be able to grind around the building for game play purposes. I am proud to have been able to keep the stately aesthetic of building intact.
This is a shot of the interior of the Capitol building. I prototyped this early on as I thought it would be really cool to be able to go through this giant building that was the center of the game. Unfortunately technical budget restraints almost forced it too be cut. I convinced the team it could work, kept it at a lower poly count, and reused a lot of the same textures from the exterior of the building.
This is a shot of the back entrance to the Capitol building with the observation deck that looks out to the water. Here you can see how a Tony Hawk game has many elements created by a designer in order for good game play that have to end up being somewhat grounded in reality.
The other side of the observation deck entrance. Flower vegetation was only placed, not created by me.
This screen is the path leading from the road to the Capitol building. Again, I did not create the trees or flowers, but did do everything else including the piles of leaves.
Another entrance to the Capitol. The real Capitol building had entrances that were almost identical, so I tried to make all the entrances unique instead so the player could orientate themselves if they were paying attention.
This is a press screenshot from with the Mike Vallely character. By this shot you can see how close the camera usually gets to the environments compared to the other screenshots that are wider to show the entire scope.
Perhaps a bizarre choice for a shot, but this tricky little corner shows some of the detail that I really enjoy doing. Using a combination of different shaders and different passes, the rock wall blends from having a slight mold, to plain rock, to dirt base, to main dirt area with variance, to dirt spilling onto the sidewalk. Although usually unnoticed because of its subtlety, these are the details that I enjoy putting in to help ground the game in realism.
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