This is an ink and pencil crayon drawing I did while on vacationattending a friends wedding in the Dominican Republic. I was able tosneak off and draw the gazebo where the couple got married the dayafter and later surprised them with the finished piece as a weddingpresent.
These are ink and pencil crayon studies I did while traveling inCambodia and exploring the Angkor temple complex. I was fascinated withhow nature had actually conquered these ancient temples over time andafter exploring all of them I went back to my favourite two and spentsome time drawing them. This is the set of three drawings I did atthe Ta Prohm temple.
These are another set of three drawings I did at the Preah Kahn temple.
This is an ink and pencil crayon study I did in my sketchbook whiletraveling in India. I went into the Rajsthan desert to camp out in anold lady's yard for a week and decided to draw her mud house.
This is an ink and pencil crayon studies I did in my sketchbook whilevisiting in Tokyo, Japan. After wandering around the city for awhile Ithought this industrial subway tunnel was a switch from the moreorganic landscapes I had been drawing at the time.
This is a quick watercolor painting I did while in Bali, Indonesia. It was donein the inner courtyard area of the place I was staying at in the beach town of Kuta.
This is a watercolor painting I did while in Borneo.  It is of the beautiful waterway plaza in Kuching.
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